Umetna inteligenca z evolucijskim algoritmom je primerna za računanje šolskega urnika, kakor tudi razporejanje proizvodnje. V okviru mednarodne organizacije World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society je na konferenci Tenerife – CEA ’14, 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, naš mladi raziskovalec Vid Ogris predstavil članek Modified Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving JSSP Problems. Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.


V reviji WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications je bil članek tudi objavljen. Kratek povzetek:

Abstract: A job-shop scheduling problem is one of the classic scheduling problems considered to be NP-hard. In this paper, we presenta modified adaptiveevolutionary algorithm (EA) that uses speculative mutations, variable fitness functions and a pseudo-random number generator for solving job-shop scheduling problems. The algorithm was tested on well-known benchmark datainstances, such as Ft10, La01, Swv01, etc., with the goal of achieving the shortest make-span. The results show that using speculative mutations and interval placing reduces the number of steps and computational time to achieve a (near) optimal make-span. Some testing results on an early version of the proposed algorithm are also added,whichwere used to define the most effective types of mutations to generate better offspring.

Nekaj o World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society:
Founded in 1996 as WSES and subsequently renamed in 2001 to WSEAS (pronounced double-you-sees, stands for World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) is an international organization operating in Athens, Greece (WSEAS Headquarters, Agiou Ioannou Theologou 17-23, Zografou 15773, Athens, Greece) that promotes the development of novel mathematical methods and computational techniques as well as their applications in science in general and engineering in particular. Its main activities revolve around collaboration with universities and organization of scientific conferences all around the world, publication of proceedings, books, monographs and journals and any other activity that advances the science.